Text 10Sleeplessness has been linked to many diseases. Lack of sleep is not just aproblem in developed nations. It’s getting just as bad in developing countries aswell.Researchers at the University of Warwick Medical School estimated that 150million adults in developing countries were suffering from sleep-related problems.The researchers said that there was evidence showing that sleeplessness had animpact on the immune system, which might actually explain the link between lackof sleep and many diseases. The study also showed that sleeping problems werealso linked with unhealthy habits, such as smoking and a poor diet.The study found that in developing countries anxiety was also a major factor insleeping problems.There was also a higher rate among women than men.Sleeping problems are becoming an important public health issue. And actually,one interesting finding in this study is the striking variation in the spread ofsleeping problems across different populations. For example, over 40 percent ofpeople in Bangladesh experience sleeping problems, again with a higher rateamong women. On the other land, India and Indonesia report relatively lower ratesof sleeping problems.The study recommends that sleeping patterns be included in assessing apopulation’s overall health. It also says lifestyle changes should be consideredbefore prescribing medication.