2、衡水金卷分科综合卷 新教材2023
3、2023衡水金卷先享题分科综合卷 新教材英语一
videos.So you won’t need to bring anything for the class, as everything is provided.Don’t forget, however, thatalthough you can bring your own notebook computer if you wish, mobile phones are not allowed in theclassroom.I’m afraid these can disturb the classes.You said you’re coming by car.Well, as it’s only a shortcourse, you can use the visitor’scar park which is just beside the main entrance.We’re only a short walkaway.Just turn right after the Science Center, cross the staff car park, and you’ll see the door to the BusinessStudies Department in front of you.Finally, you also wanted to know if it’s possible to attend a language coursewhile you arehere.Well, the answer is yes, but we only have room on our Italian classes.Oh, no, actually.there’sone place on the Spanish course too.We usually offer French, Chinese, German and Japanese as well, but thereare n’t enough students for those classes this summer.If you want to apply for the course, please sign up before the5th of June.Thank you.
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某一地区特定时间内游客数量超过其接待能力,是造成该地区旅游业种种问题的重要原因。接待能力若不提高,再美的湖光山色也会黯淡无光, ,再好的微笑服务也会丧失魅力。